After fleeing war-torn Syria with his family for a safer and more prosperous life in Australia, the 16-year-old has dreams of one day being a famous violinist.
16yo Aboud Kaplo taught himself to play violin from YouTube videos in Syria’s civil war torn Aleppo. Despite being unable to read music when he first taught himself to play the violin, Aboud’s determination has led many to recognise his rare talent.
“It’s a safer place to live, where I don’t have to worry about bombs and war and all that kind of stuff.”
He now performs with the Sydney Youth Orchestra and the Western Sydney Youth Orchestra after auditioning and receiving a scholarship.
Read the full story here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-08-15/syrian-refugee-self-taught-violinist-dreams-of-being-famous/11418862
Thanks to ABC’s 7:30 Report